Letter of recommendation

If you are asking me to be your reference or asking me to write a letter of recommendation, please answer the following questions and provide the materials listed below, and then send everything to me as one email.


  1. For students, what is your year and major?
  2. How long have I known you (years and months), and (for students) what is my relationship to you (instructor, research adviser, etc.)? Why you choose me to write a letter for you?
  3. What classes have you taken with me, what grade did you earn, and how did you distinguish yourself in my classes?
  4. What are you applying for and what is the corresponding due date?
  5. For undergraduates applying to special programs or fellowships, what are they looking for in candidates and what are the specific letter writer instructions? A link to the program announcement should be sufficient.
  6. How would you describe yourself? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses and how do you overcome them? Important accomplishments?
  7. For students, what are your long term goals? How will this position/award help you attain that goal?
  8. What are your extracurricular interests and passions?


In the same email as above, please send me links to, or attach the following
  1. your CV/resume
  2. for students, your unofficial transcripts
  3. if applicable, all necessary forms for letter writers
  4. all materials you will submit with your application (e.g. personal essay, statement of interest, research summary or proposal,…)