

Research Interests

  • Commutative Algebra
  • Algebraic Combinatorics


ORCID iD iconorcid / arXiv iconarXiv / MR iconMathSciNet
  1. Blowup algebras of ladder or interval determinantal modules (with Kuei-Nuan Lin), preprint.
  2. Generalized binomial edge ideals of complete $r$-partite graphs (with Guangjun Zhu), preprint.
  3. Regularities and multiplicities of Veronese type algebras (with Kuei-Nuan Lin), preprint.
  4. Generalized binomial edge ideals of bipartite graphs (with Guangjun Zhu), J. Algebra, 662 (2025), 167-213.
  5. Powers of generalized binomial edge ideals of path graphs (with Guangjun Zhu), Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 34 (2024), 779-806.
  6. Regularity and multiplicity of toric rings of three-dimensional Ferrers diagrams (with Kuei-Nuan Lin), J. Algebraic Combin., 57 (2023), 1073–1101.
  7. Symbolic powers and free resolutions of generalized star configurations of hypersurfaces (with Kuei-Nuan Lin), Michigan Math. J., 73 (2023), 33-66.
  8. Regularity of powers of (parity) binomial edge ideals (with Guangjun Zhu), J. Algebraic Combin., 57 (2023), 75–100.
  9. Blow-up algebras of secant varieties of rational normal scrolls (with Kuei-Nuan Lin), Collect. Math., 74 (2023), 247–278.
  10. Fiber cones of rational normal scrolls are Cohen-Macaulay (with Kuei-Nuan Lin), J. Algebraic Combin., 56 (2022), 547–563.
  11. Symbolic powers of generalized star configurations of hypersurfaces (with Kuei-Nuan Lin), J. Algebra 593 (2022), 193-216.
  12. On the conjecture of Vasconcelos for Artinian almost complete intersection monomial ideals (with Kuei-Nuan Lin), Nagoya Math. J. 243 (2021), 263-277.
  13. Generalized Newton complementary duals of monomial ideals (with Katie Ansaldi and Kuei-Nuan Lin), J. Algebra Appl. 20 (2021), 2150021.
  14. $a_i$-invariants of powers of ideals (with Shi-Xin Tian), J. Univ. Sci. Technol. China, 50 (2020), 349-359.
  15. Strong shellability of simplicial complexes (with Jin Guo and Tongsuo Wu), J. Korean Math. Soc. 56 (2019), 1613-1639.
  16. Koszul blowup algebras associated to three-dimensional Ferrers diagrams (with Kuei-Nuan Lin), J. Algebra 514 (2018), 219-253.
  17. Edgewise strongly shellable clutters (with Jin Guo and Tongsuo Wu), J. Algebra Appl. 17 (2018), 1850018.
  18. Stanley depth and Stanley support-regularity of monomial ideals, Collect. Math. 67 (2016), 227-246.
  19. Bounds on the Stanley depth and Stanley regularity of edge ideals of clutters, J. Commut. Algebra 7 (2015), 423-445.
  20. On a class of squarefree monomial ideals of linear type, J. Commut. Algebra 7 (2015), 125-140.
  21. Stanley depth of weakly 0-decomposable ideals, Arch. Math. (Basel) 104 (2015), 3-9.
  22. When will the Stanley depth increase, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), 2265-2274.
  23. On a conjecture of Stanley depth of squarefree Veronese ideals (with M. Ge and J. Lin), Comm. Algebra 40 (2012), 2720-2731.
  24. On the Stanley depth of squarefree Veronese ideals (with M. Keller, N. Streib and S. Young), J. Algebraic Combin. 33 (2011), 313-324.
  25. Tangent Cone of Numerical Semigroup Rings of Embedding Dimension Three Comm. Algebra 39 (2011), 1922-1940.
  26. Stanley depth of complete intersection monomial ideals and upper-discrete partitions, J. Algebra 321 (2009), 1285-1292.
  27. Gevrey microregularity of solutions for fully nonlinear partial differential equations (with H. Chen), J. Math. (Wuhan) 22 (2002).

Additional Research Notes

Academic Talks

Professional Services


  • "Kun Xue Shou Wang" Award for Excellent Teaching (“困学守望”优秀教学奖), USTC, 2021
  • "Kun Xue Shou Wang" Award for Excellent Teaching (“困学守望”优秀教学奖), USTC, 2015
  • K.C. Wong Award for Teachers, Second Prize (王宽诚育才奖二等奖), USTC, 2015
  • Zhang Zongzhi Award for Young Teachers (张宗植青年教师奖), USTC, 2011
  • Gerald R. MacLane Memorial Award, Purdue University, 2003


University of Science and Technology of China

  • Spring 2024: Linear Algebra (B1)
  • Fall 2023: Mathematical Analysis (B1)
  • Spring 2023: Linear Algebra (B1)
  • Fall 2022: Mathematical Analysis (B1)
  • Spring 2022: Algebra II: Abstract Algebra
  • Fall 2021: Linear Algebra (B1)
  • Spring 2021: Linear Algebra (B1)
  • Fall 2020: Mathematical Analysis (B1)
  • Spring 2020: Algebra II: Abstract Algebra
  • Fall 2019: Mathematical Analysis (B1)
  • Spring 2019: Linear Algebra (B1)
  • Fall 2018: Algebra I: Introduction to Algebra
  • Spring 2018: Algebra II: Abstract Algebra
  • Fall 2017: One Variable Calculus
  • Spring 2017: Linear Algebra (B1)
  • Fall 2016: One Variable Calculus
  • Spring 2016: Algebra III: Advanced Course in Algebra
  • Fall 2015: Algebra I: Introduction to Algebra
  • Spring 2015: Multivariable Calculus
  • Fall 2014: One Variable Calculus
  • Spring 2014: Multivariable Calculus
  • Fall 2013: Algebra I: Introduction to Algebra
  • Spring 2013: Linear Algebra (B1)
  • Fall 2012: One Variable Calculus
  • Spring 2012: Selected Topics in Algebra, I (Commutative and Combinatorial Algebra)
  • Fall 2011: One Variable Calculus
  • Spring 2011: Selected Topics in Algebra, II (Commutative Algebra)
  • Fall 2010: Linear Algebra (B1)
  • Spring 2010: Linear Algebra (B1)

Purdue University

  • Spring 2009: Introduction to Analysis, I
  • Spring 2008: Introduction to Analysis, I
  • Spring 2007: Introduction to Analysis, I
  • Fall 2006: Algebra and Trigonometry, I


Contact Details

Yi-Huang Shen
Office 13-01, School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei, Anhui, 230026
P.R. China
